Saturday, May 1, 2010

some reflections...

...after attending the first Saturday men's connection - topic: sexual sin/purity.

If it's only by grace that a man can be pure, why focus on things we can do? Why not dwell on how to allow God to reign his grace in our hearts? All else is fleeting legalism, that is if it's only by grace.

The advice to "run to God" during temptation is irrelevant advice to some who is blinded by sin.

On the edge of a knife cutting my feet;
to remain, bloody soles endure,
or fall, soul lost for sure.

(inspired after hearing the phrase "on the edge of a knife")

Seven sure ways to fight sexual sin:

1. revel your sin to God and others
2. repent of your sin
3. renew your commitment to Jesus
4. replenish your walk with Jesus
5. request help from the Jesus and others
6. refrain from situations that allow sin to creep in
7. rejoice in Jesus

If we could do all these steps no one would sin...then how is it that it's all by grace?

I was reminded on how "instant gratification" is somewhat like a plague to those of us in the west (even thought I hate talking like that, I mean about generalizing about those of us in the west). I need to remember that though I could have instant victory from sin right now (and oh how I pray for that), I need to be ready to battle it out for 2 years, 20 years, or til I die. I should not loose heart in battling sin because I don't receive instant, complete victory, but keep on fighting. Jesus fought the temptation to the point of sweating blood...have I ever fought that hard? Am I willing to fight that hard for the rest of my life...? I need help if I am to do that. Praise God he gave us Jesus, his Spirit, and the church. With out these, we would be toast.

Cry out to God because he's the only one that can change your heart.

It is only by grace that any of us don't sin. So...what does that mean practically? Especially when we do sin? For the believer?

It's very confusing to talk about sin in this manner when you're a Calvinist.

I have yet to attend a seminar on sexual purity that is actually helpful or gets at the heart of the matter and focuses on that. What the hell is the heart of the matter anyways? And why don't we talk about this subject all the time if it's so pervasive??? Especially in the church???

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